Civil Law
Law of Contracts and Torts
In the area of the law of contracts and torts, our team prepares claims, objections, out-of-court settlements, suits, appeals, and other legal remedies, enabling clients to exercise their rights and compensate material and non-pecuniary damages in a fast and efficient manner.
Also, we prepare all types of named and unnamed contracts, as well as contract annexes, including the provision of legal advice, and obtain the best options through our extensive interviews with our clients that respond to the circumstances of each individual case and particularities of each individual client, including contracts and other legal transactions with foreign elements.
In case of disagreement between the parties or default, our team provides contract amendment services, as well as the services of cancellation of contracts not meeting legal terms. In addition to the aforementioned, our team also provides legal services in other disputes, related to the violation of provisions of the Law on Contracts and Torts, that cannot be listed in full due to their extensiveness.
Family Law
In addition to providing legal advice in the area of family law, our team, through its adequate approach and relevant advice, enables our clients to resolve current circumstances of life in an efficient manner. Having in mind the very nature of family relations, our team, starting from the provisions of the law prescribing family law, provides efficient legal services, especially in divorce proceedings, disputes related to the exercise of parent right or amendment of the exercise of parent right, legal support or the amendment of the amount of legal support, organization of time spent with children or the amendment of such provision.
Inheritance Law
Our services in the area of inheritance law include all types of legal counselling and services related to the inheritance proceedings, among others, preparation of the proposal for the initiation of inheritance proceedings, representation of parties in the inheritance proceedings, providing verbal and written legal advice, preparing last will and testament, etc.
Property Law
In the area of property law, we provide counseling and services of client representation in proceedings related to the protection of ownership right, right of easement, lien, possession, as well as other proceedings from the area of property law.
In extra-judicial proceedings we provide advice, services of representation in proceedings related to full or partial deprivation of work capacity, announcing the missing person dead, for the determination of time and place of birth, extension of parent right, issuing marriage permits for minors, division of common property, abutment arrangement and many more.
Our services include:
- Legal protection in marital and family relations; Providing verbal and written legal advice and representation of parties in divorce proceedings, preparation of divorce petitions, independent exercise of parent right or amendment of the exercise of parent right, legal support or the amendment of the amount of legal support, organization of time spent with children or the amendment of such provision
- Preparation of the uncontested divorce petition and representation of parties in the uncontested divorce proceedings
- Providing verbal and written legal advice, representation of parties in courts in proceedings related to the division of marital property, marriage annulment, etc.
- Providing verbal and written legal advice in domestic violence protection proceedings
- Damage compensation related to the violation of copyright and intellectual property right
- Injuries at work and related to work
- Damage compensation related to vehicle and other property damage
- Damage compensation related to the death of a close person, attacks on honor and reputation, violation of personal liberties and freedom of speech
- Compensation of material and non-pecuniary damage related to traffic accidents injuries
- Preparation, amendments and interpretation of contracts; providing verbal and written legal advice and representation of parties in contract annulment proceedings
- Legal protection in case of contract default
- Last will and testaments, inheritance contracts and inheritance proceedings
- Legal protection in the area of property law and ownership right protection, right of easement, lien, possession, abutment arrangement
- Legal protection in enforcement, preparing petitions for enforcement, filings, representation of parties in courts and with bailiffs